
25 years in the game and I was losing my spark. Joining this team rekindled my fire. The enthusiasm here, transparent raw pricing, and getting paid within 48 hours has been transformative. It's amazing how the right organization can boost your spirits.

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From processor to loan officer, the transition was daunting. Yet, in one week here, I surpassed an entire year at my last job. Quick responses and team support have made all the difference. This place empowers me.

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At the federal bank, I was often the 'bad news' guy. Here, I'm the 'yes' guy. With diverse programs and competitive rates, I'm closing more deals, both residential and commercial. The freedom and pay raise? Icing on the cake.

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I was a one-loan-a-month guy, content with that pace. Here, I've risen to the top 10 among 2500 officers and enjoy recruiting bonuses too. This company has opened doors I never knew existed for me.

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Our Journey

Back in '95, I started something special out of a little studio apartment on Dearborn Street in Chicago. I had left my job as a CPA, and decided to take a shot at running my own brokerage shop. With a phone, the yellow pages, and a little hustle, I got to work originating mortgages. It’s been an up and down journey of putting in the hours, thinking creatively, and always looking for ways to do things better. Together with my team, we've built something pretty great, proving that with hard work and a bit of innovation, ordinary people like me can make a big impact. Let me show you how to transform yourself without having to go through all the downs I have personally went through.

What Sets Us Apart

check Raw Pricing on rates. This allows you to give yourself a raise to 275 basis points.

check Regional Lead Generation: We provide exclusive leads in select regions, giving you a competitive edge and a steady stream of potential clients.

check Pick your own processor per file. If you have a client that is more comfortable speaking another language you can pick a processor that can speak that language and also pick one who is an expert in the lender you are using.

check Telemarketing services also provided as needed to call on your past and present database of customers.


Our Commitment

At LoanOfficers.net, we are dedicated to your success. Our commitment is reflected in our mission to empower loan officers like you to thrive and excel in the mortgage industry. With us, you’re not just joining a platform; you’re becoming a part of a legacy built on trust, professionalism, and a passion for helping you reach your full potential.

No experience, No Problem

We are seeking currently NMLS Licensed Loan officers. However if you are interested in entering a new profession, you have the ability to do so by going into our Academy which will teach you the basics from A-Z. Everything from understanding the process, application taking, lender programs, pricing and takes you from marketing to origination to underwriting to closing and getting paid. If you are interested in finding out more about our Mortgage Academy please click here


Loan Scenarios

Interested in placing a loan file, if you want to submit general information please click here and find out a mortgage plan for your client.

Loan Officer Support

Get a sneak peak of our system and how it will could help you earn 5-10X your current capacity. It’s free to review for a limited time click here.
